Friday 20 January 2012

Recovery - Monday pm

I was aware of having vague dreams about people from work and then came too properly. It was 5.45 so I'd been under about half an hour, if that.

There was a nurse on either side of me and one was holding my hand. They were called Vicky and Amy. Now, I've never been to a spa, but I don't know why you'd pay lots of money for that when you can just have an operation and have a lovely time in recovery. It is AMAZING.

I think I said I'd been dreaming about work, and one of the nurses said something about having time off and I said "Too right, I'm going to sit on my fucking sofa" (when I told my mum this she told me off for swearing. But I was on drugs!!)

I probably dozed off for a bit as the anaesthetic man came and said hello and I said I was ok. Then the surgeon came and said it all went well and I said, "No holes or haemorrages?" and she said no. Wow, bad luck really does have a limit!

So I was just lying on my back, holding hands with the nurse with a blood pressure thing on my right arm going off every few minutes.

Then I said I was cold so they told me to put my hands inside the covers and I said, "But I won't be able to hold your hand then." and they said I'd be warmer, so I did.

My left hand was hurting with the canula so I was saying how much that was hurting, and probably because it was closer to my brain. I think I asked what painkillers I'd had and they said I'd had paracetamol, codeine, diclofenac and fentamil. Fentamil is synthetic morphine. I asked what morphine was made of and they said poppies which I did know. Duh.

I asked for more painkillers because I could feel my tummy and they put it in the back of my hand. I just chatted randomly with one of the nurses and complained about the canula and about being cold. I ended up with three blankets tucked up round my shoulder and I got them to rearrange the blood pressure cuff because it was pressing on the bruise from where I'd had the blood taken before. I also kept asking for water because I was bloody thirsty and knew I needed to wee before they'd let me go home. Always thinking ahead, me. ;)

So eventually, I went back to my bay.

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