Sunday 15 January 2012

How this feels

I've never had a "normal" pregnancy so I don't know if this is normal or not. Well, obviously it's not "normal".

My breasts are very very sore, which is supposed to be normal for early pregnancy.

My abdomen is swollen and tender. At points I've described it (before I knew it was gone wrong) as like having a brick in my stomach and a really strong dragging down sensation. It's not painful like period pains, but a lot of pressure which is very uncomfortable. My lower back also hurts. When I thought it was normal, I assumed it was stretching pain, or trapped wind (the glamours of pregnancy). I think it is stretching pain as the tissue in there is growing very fast, much faster than a normal pregnancy, and occupying all of the space in my uterus. It's measured on the scan as about 12cm by 6cm by 12cm I think. Not sure what that means in terms of the shape of it but it's taking up a fair amount of space.

For some reason, it is affecting my walking. For the last week I've found walking any distance challenging, getting in and out of the car and some of the pedal controls difficult. Not painful, just requiring some thought. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's pressing on some bits it shouldn't? Also, it's a lot bigger than a 10 week normal pregnancy would be, so if the equivalent was much further through perhaps it will feel like this. I've just got my dinner from the kitchen and each step back has been painful and difficult. I am looking forward to feeling like I can walk from my living room to my kitchen without thinking too hard about it!

I assume it's also pressing on my bladder and bowel as those functions have both gone a bit wonky.

And of course, in all the pregnancy books, websites, anything that goes remotely weird once you've had a positive test is ascribed to "just one of those things of early pregnancy" so you don't think to question it.

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