Friday 1 April 2011


I am not Christian, and would probably describe myself as agnostic when talking about religion or belief. But, I decided to give up meat during Lent. In an ideal world, where I am an organised person, I would like to be vegan, but the amount of preparation I'd have to do each day is not realistic for me. So giving up meat, seems like the next best option. I liked the idea of doing it during Lent, as it's a discrete amount of time and the never-ending-ness of some enterprises renders them impossible for me.

What am I learning? For the way I live, it would be very difficult to be vegan. I am eating a lot more cheese than I ever have, and worry that I'm not getting enough protein. That's my problem of course - I should try harder with foods I know have high protein, and that's something to work on next week.

There's something there for me, which forms part of my choice to give up meat, about the provenance of my food. Of course, I still have to wonder where my food has come from, who has potentially suffered for me to have it, and bear in mind the fact that I can walk into a shop and buy food. An option not available to most of the world. I am glad I'm not perpetuating the negative aspects of the food industry, at the moment. It's far less likely than an animal or person has suffered for me to eat the food or had a poor life. If and when I start eating meat again, and I will try much harder to ensure I know where it has come from.

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